Please visit the, Arpico Website (click here)
to explore the Arpico 100% Natural Latex story.
The Global Organic Latex Standard (GOLS), is a materials and processing standard, for organic latex and the finished latex foam. GOLS certification firstly guarantees, that no synthetic or man made latex (SBR, or styrene butadiene) is in the product. Only 100% all natural latex milk sap, from a hevea brasiliensis tree. A GOLS certification, also importantly certifies, that zero chemicals, were used on those trees or land, for a minimum of the last three years, ZERO TOXIC PESTICIDES, ZERO TOXIC HERBICIDES FOR WEED CONTROL. It also certifies, ZERO TOXIC CHEMICALS, were used to wash the latex, when it was transformed from a liquid into a solid product. Finally, it guarantees that no chemically toxic land, is within a one hundred kilometre radius, of the plantation grown hevea brasiliensis rubber trees, that the latex milk was tapped from. If, a latex mattress does not have this certification, then it is NOT an organic latex mattress. (each, and every, container shipped , is separately issued, its own GOLS Cert, ask to see it, it should have a recent date)
Certification also importantly covers the certified producer is compliant with set high standards of, Environmental Management, Waste and Pollution Management, Waste Water Treatment, and also Energy and Water Conservation. And very importantly, Social Compliance standards, covering, Safe and Hygienic Working Conditions, No Child, Forced or Compulsory Labor, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, living wages, working hours, no discrimination, regular employment, and no harsh or inhumane treatment.
GOLS certified producers are fully reinspected, and accredited, annually, to ensure ongoing compliance
Oeki-Tex 100 Class 1
This is a testing standard recognised for “children-safe” material
SGS Institute has assessed and certified the Arpico Latex Processing and Manufacturing factory meets all requirements to Manufacture Latex in accordance of ISO9001
Conducted by ECO Institute, Germany, this test evaluates for fillers, synthetic rubber and hazardous components and emissions in the product. ECO Institute certification confirms that Arpico Latex is free of fillers, synthetic rubber or hazardous particles, thus being certified 100% natural.
This test which is conducted in ABC Labs, USA, evaluates the antibacterial efficacy of Arpico 100% natural Latex
This test evaluates the durability and resilience characteristics of Arpico 100% natural latex. Arpico’s test result 99/100
Conducted by the Twin City Corporation, USA, this test evaluates the body interface pressure for Arpico’s 100% Natural Latex
Arpico 100% Natural Latex blocks have been tested for its components for many years, consistently passing the requirements for 100% natural certification
Arpico 100% Natural Latex, is a naturally flame retardant product, certified to contain no additives.
Please take a moment to view Arpico’s current certifications
LGA Cert – 100% Natural ABC – Anti Bacterial Cert OEKO-TEX Cert
ISO 14001 2015 Cert ISO 9001 2015 Cert Veritas Mattress Cert
Veritas Pillow Cert Stork Twin 03 ECO Institut Cert
Zen Natural Beds openly shows you the Arpico, Eco Institut Certification.
Most just say their latex is certified, use the icon, but without the Cert number.