Environmental Practices
In an ever growing, over saturated world of global brands, who cheaply mass produce products, without consciousness to the many levels of healthy sustainable local communities, Zen Natural Beds and Sofa beds, strive to be a functioning creative community member, delivering sustainable practices produced high quality furniture at good value prices.
Zen Natural Beds are constantly evolving and implementing, as green and clean practices as possible, in creating my range of solid wood and natural bed mattresses. Since beginning in 1990, while absolutely acknowledging there’s always room for further improvement, I’ve focused on the Japanese concept of, Kaizen. Slow constant incremental improvement, in being as earth friendly as possible.
I source only the best available materials and components, from as local as possible. I manufacture and complete the whole creative process, on site in my own woodworking studio at the rear of the East Brisbane gallery.
The Gallery and Woodworking Studio have been made as energy efficient as possible, with a 10Kwh solar electricity system, and LED lighting installed completely throughout, Zen Beds creates and feeds in annually, more electricity than it consumes. Our beds and sofa beds, are made at our point, carbon neutral.

I have carefully considered the best lengths to purchase pre cut packs of wood, for maximum usage, efficiency and minimal wastage. I generate one wheelie bin of offcuts, approximately ever six to eight weeks, which are collected by Reverse Garbage, who have some retired men, end sand and round the edges, for distribution to kindergartens, for the children to play with

Starting soon in Sth East Queensland, Mattress Recycling.
Soft Landings is a non profit, member funded, community organisation.
For around $35, they pick up your old mattress, and will recycle 90% of it.
Zen Natural Beds is their first, Independent Manufacturer/Retailer Member
Timbers used are mostly Sth East Qld locally sourced.
All are from fully accredited
Plantation or Sustainably Harvested Sources

Non Toxic Water Based, Stains and Clear Coatings.
All finishes are spray booth performed, on site in house, with Green Building Council Australia Green Star Rated, Water Based, Low VOC, Mirotone Company, Australian Owned and Made coatings, which are Formaldehyde, Isocyanate and Phthalate free.