Most importers, just send their container order, out to lots of latex processors, and the lowest price back, wins the order that time. Many retailers will not tell you specifically, where they sourced their latex, for fear that if you check deeper, you’ll see shabby, or non existent, suppliers websites, or because they simply don’t know. Some retailers sadly, buy from the cheapest supplier, and say to you its Arpico. They can also make false confusing statements, such as, “if its heavy, its not real Latex”. Everyones interpretation of heavy is relative, but Real Latex is a solid, dense product, and has, as such, weight to it. Some will try to entice with extraordinary warranty periods,
Sadly, some, other retailers will also speak direct
untruths about Zen Natural Beds
Many, of our happy customers, have said to us,
that a, prime high street location high rent paying retailer, in Inner Brisbane says,
“ours is the, only certified latex mattresses, for sale anywhere in Brisbane”!
“if its heavy its not Latex, it should be lightweight,
they put mercury in it to make it heavy
and you don’t want to sleep on that”!
On this page you’ll see our numerous Certifications,
and links to the source manufacturer and certifiers.
Why do they behave in this manner?
. . . because they can’t match
our quality, service, or price.
We constantly hear
“your prices are nearly half of theirs,
even their so called, sale, prices”!?
Why? . . . . . simply
exorbitant prime high street Brisbane and Sydney location rents,
are passed onto you the customer.